


Dear Friend,

If you are still reading this you’re my kind of person – A BELIEVER! Thanks for reading past that first line. It is not a joke, it is actually the fulfillment of a Talmudic adage, “each and every penny adds up to a large amount”.

This is not a multi level marketing scheme, it’s just simple math. $18 is significant! Watch this: Ten people giving $18 per month is $180 per month. Over twelve months that is $2160. Now if we continue to add ten new donors @ $18 per month for 12 months the total monthly intake is now $2160 and the annual intake is $25,920!

(Just for fun, let’s say five of the ten give $36 instead of $18. The total monthly (after 12 months of new donors) is now $3240 and the annual is $38,880. If we did this for three years the total monthly will be $9720 and annual will be $116,640.)

Chabad of L.C. is committed to providing wonderful and enriching programs to every Jew in L.C., and our continued growth is made possible by the support we receive from friends like you. Unlike traditional synagogues, Chabad of LC does not ask for annual membership dues or require any building fund payments. Each Chabad Center is self-supporting and receives no assistance from Chabad World Headquarters in New York.

Thank G‑d as Chabad has started adding in Local Jewish Pride and has seen tremendous positive response. To enable us to continue the good work we do, I am turning to you to join our Chai Club. Pick a dollar amount in multiples of CHAI – LIFE = $18 ($18, $36, $72, $144, $180, $1,800,000, etc.) and we will set you up on an automatic monthly charge. You can always increase it or decrease it.

Click Here to Join Our Chai Club

A monthly donation in any amount gets you into the club.

Join these Chai Club Partners
Click here to sign up today!

Current Chai Members:


Ralph Orner

Paul and Karen Sagal


Alan and Lisa Stern

Corry McKissack

Ed and Gloria Madson

Jay and Kate Parnes

Mr. and Mrs. Ari Roth

Yudi and Moriah Schmukler

Rabbi and Mrs. David Hoch


Al and Sherry Woods

Karen Stines

Fred and Judy Yellon

Mike and Shelly Sacket



(if you don't want you name posted on this list we can keep you Anonymous)